daisy daisy
Apparently it is possible to lose all cognative ability when you have a head cold. I totally forgot to blog today..I'm blaming snot. Anywho..Dave and I were lucky enough to get through step one of the adoption process on our second rescue doggie "Tifa". She is a little female version of Da Vinci (part black lab part border collie). Next comes the doggie meet up. We both pray that goes well. Little mr spoiled is not used to having to share mommy & daddy. Just to be on the safe side, we are getting a crate tonight. This will help set the pack order in the house. I, not dave, will remain alpha in the house LOL. Tifa needs to learn some manners, so a squirt bottle will be purchased as well. Neither of us believe in hitting. I'll update you on Thursday, when Tifa will hopefully be coming home with us. I actually have to call the vet tomorrow to see if the groomer will be available. She is currently shelter dirty..butt aint getting on my sofa like that :) Boy is my Honda Element going to stink that night. Well, I left feedback on about 15 photos today on two of the sites I belong to. That is my new daily commitment. I have a really bad habit of just commenting on photos I like...I live in fear of mean review retribution. One wonderful thing I've gained from joining some blog rings is finding some wonderful blogs. I will be adding a few tonight or tomorrow. One you should definately read is Matt's blog. Once I figure out this blogroll thing I will build it :) For now links will have to suffice. There really are a lot of people out there trying to make this a better world! It is very uplifting. If you have such a blog or would like to link, let me know. I'm always happy to help in my own little way. I hope everyone has a wonderful day! |