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trying to be part of the solution

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Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Two Thumbs Up

Make this book the last!

Nobody should have stories like these to tell. With your help, the American Anti-Slavery Group aims to retire the slave narrative genre once and for all. Help us make Enslaved the last book of its kind.

The regular edition sells for less than $20. I treated myself to the signed edition for my birthday present to myself. It is signed by Gloria Steinem and sells for $45.

Give the gift of abolitionism

All proceeds from the sales of Enslaved will go to the efforts of the American Anti-Slavery Group to eradicate modern day slavery through awareness, activism, advocacy and direct aid!

The American Anti-Slavery Group is a U.S.-based non-profit dedicated to the abolition of modern day slavery. While many believe that the slave trade ended some time ago, there are still over 27 million people held in bondage today.

In addition to chattel and sex slaves throughout Africa and parts of Asia, there are cases of human trafficking documented in affluent neighborhoods in the United States.

Slavery isn't history. It's a modern human rights crisis that has only begun to be addressed. Learn more about this grave injustice and find out what you can do.

Somwhat related to this topic is a movie you must see. It's called Born Into Brothels.

From the site Kids With Cameras :

"Born into Brothels, by Ross Kauffman and Zana Briski, is the winner of the 77th annual Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature. A tribute to the resiliency of childhood and the restorative power of art, Born into Brothels is a portrait of several unforgettable children who live in the red light district of Calcutta, where their mothers work as prostitutes. Zana Briski, a New York-based photographer, gives each of the children a camera and teaches them to look at the world with new eyes."

There is also a hardcover cloth edition for sale containing the photographs. All proceeds from book sales support Kids with Cameras in fulfilling its mission. The second edition lists for about $65.

(Now if my husband is reading my blog today...hint hint the book would make a perfect birthday gift :) I'll even give the link again! HERE.)

Since I seem to be on roll today with recommended titles, a really interesting indie film you might want to see is Bubble.

From an IMDB.com review (an awesome movie site) :
"I was lucky enough to see this movie followed by a Q&A with the screen writer. I thought this was one of the most amazing movies i have ever seen.

They used all non-actors who actually lived in the town. The acting was so true, Rose's daughter was her real daughter and the reactions that they got from the child were so genuine that they could only come from true relationship.

They kept the "actors" in the dark about how the story would unfold and shot in sequence. this could not be more clear when you watch the film. The reactions were true in a way only the best actors could pull off. They were not acting, they were being themselves in these contrived situations. They used the actors real houses, clothes and life experiences. I thought it was one of the most brilliant and unconventional films of our time. "

The Plot: Set against the backdrop of a decaying Midwestern town, a murder becomes the focal point of three people who work in a doll factory.

This flick won't be for everyone, but if you like films that make you think, you'll probably enjoy it.

Still out from Netflix to watch I have Thank You For Smoking and M (1931 German movie in black and white starring Peter Lorre. It was Fritz Lang's first talkie).

The Plot for M: A psychotic child murderer stalks a city, and despite an exhaustive investigation fueled by public hysteria and outcry, the police have been unable to find him. But the police crackdown does have one side-affect, it makes it nearly impossible for the organized criminal underground to operate. So they decide that the only way to get the police off their backs is to catch the murderer themselves. Besides, he is giving them a bad name.

Dave swears I don't watch any movies to laugh..I really do! I've seen The Pee Wee Herman movie tons of times. I think it's my always have to be learning something side.

Have a great day everyone..and cross you fingers my ears open up some time in this millenium.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Making some headway

Today I'm officially on vacation! If you happen to drive by and see this very wreath on the front door..stop by for a cup of java.

My chest is finally clear, but the ears haven't opened up yet. I have also gotten Dave sick. Poor guy has to make it to Wednesday before his vacation starts. It might be time for a second batch of home made chicken noodle soup.

The tree, lights and miniature village are up! I've even got about half of the gifts wrapped and the cards are all mailed. Today I'm doing the online ordering. All that's left is to get the house ready for Christmas Day company and plan our menu.

Today I will be mailing some more letters for Amnesty International. They have some great gift ideas as well as The Greater Good Network Store which I will be taking advantage of.

Today I will also be sporting my tee shirt from The ONE Campaign! Pretty nifty huh!
If you see someone in South Jersey walking around in one of these shirts trying to get their ears to open it's probably me :)

Thursday, December 14, 2006

The Nose Runneth Over and over and over

Hmmm..not been blogging because I've been busy blowing my nose. Two days after the whole fun migraine trip, I started one of my almost yearly sinus/chest infection doosies. My ears have been stuck shut for like 2 days now..egads. It was driving me nuts, so I did that hold your nose and blow to open your ears thing. Bad idea; gently cleaned my ears right after and there was some blood on the qtip. Now I'm off to shower and back to the doctor to have my ears checked. You know that old "my face hurts" joke..damn it actually does (and the molars) !

My vacation starts Saturday... Lord don't let this be a sign how it's going to go. I've waited too long :) not to mention I have too much to do.

I am going stir crazy...well off for my once today out of the house excursion!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

medicine cabinet

medicine cabinet, originally uploaded by andrealeev.

I think I'm going to have fun with this.

A bit fuzzy today

Still recovering from a hellacious migraine I had all day yesterday and a bit this morning. Of course I had no idea where my medication was either. Thank goodness I only worked 4 hours yesterday. I get the headaches from time to time but this one was a killer! At least there is usually months between those whammies.

This is the reason I am behind today. I needed to straighten up so bad yesterday and of course didn't..and well today..I'm slacking too. So I need to put another pot of coffee on and get ripping.

I submitted my previous podcast to itunes and hopefully it will pass their review. I was going to record a second one but the brain is still a bit too mushy for that. Instead I think I'll finish some of the cards for this weekend and maybe get started wrapping some gifts. One more shoebox to wrap and donate. Then it's on to Holiday cards. I only hope to see my actual dining room table surface by day's end.

Today I am thankful for several things; In no particular order they are:

1. The man who works the counter at my CVS. He is an awesome caring individual. He rushed my Midrin and even made sure there were water and cups so I could take it in the store. YEAH!
I plan on calling the store and telling them what a great employee he is. People should really commend as much as they complain. (and yes this is partly due to the fact that I work in customer service)

2. My friend Zerlina at work. She talked me into letting the fact that the (very nice) girl who did my highlights wrecked my new sweater. A 14$ clearance sweater isn't worth the aggravation or possibly getting her in trouble.

3. I'm not hungry today. Therefore I won't eat a lot and feel terrible about it later. Feeling icky has its advantages.

4. It is absolutely gorgeous out today!

5. Dave and I have each other. Okay and our puppy who we love to death.

6. Hopefully we will decorate our tree tonight!!!!! Maybe I'll make some cocoa to drink while we do so.

7. I'm finally physically (not virtually) volunteering and getting involved again. I recently started working with PICO, which brings people together to strengthen families and communities. From their site: "With more than one thousand religious congregations and one million families working in 150 cities and towns, PICO is one of the largest grassroots community efforts in the United States." I also met an awesome gentleman by the name of Bill who has invited me to get involved in a committee "Keep the Dream Alive" in Mt. Holly, NJ. I'm getting that great feeling back again.

8. Everything I need is provided for. I have had times in my life where it wasn't and really can appreciate it now.

9. That the man who smacked my truck hard with his car door didn't leave a dent.

10. Heat.

There! I wanted to come up with ten things I am thankful for today :)

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

There's still time!

I know that most American's are in a shopping frenzy at this time of year, but ...There's still time to give to someone you don't know!

I know that sounds crazy, but I'm going somewhere with this. I'm on a mission to convert everyone I know. The season that is upon us is not about BUYING STUFF! It for me is about being thankful for what I DO have; things that CAN'T be bought, and are priceless.

For me personally, having the time to decorate the tree with my husband while our dog looks on wagging his tail is so very fulfilling.

This year I've made a firm committment to give more of myself and my resources than ever before in my life. I've upped my donations and even though I work part time now, I'm busier than ever before. I love it.

Dave and I were just discussing the fact that, even though we are giving more, we have more than ever before. Now if there ever was an argument for Karma..there it is.

Why not give it a whirl this holiday season. Instead of being an uber-consumer be an uber-giver. You might just be surprised how much you get back.

Along this same vein, here is a link for crafting for a cause. Knit, crochet or sew for a cause. I will be the first to admit that crochet is not something that is coming easily to me, and there is no way I'm going to be able to knock out a bunch of preemie caps in time for Christmas. On this page they even have fleece patterns for hats. Even I can do that.

Why not go through your old blankets and make a donation to your local shelter for the animals. They are always in need of bedding.

The ideas are just endless. There's Toys for Tots barrels everywhere. Maybe go through your closet and donate clothes you no longer wear (or in my case give up on the size 8 jeans) and donate them to a local hospital shop or thrift store like the Salvation Army. I'll bet your workplace is even collecting this time of year. Operation Christmas Child is another fun one. Filling a shoebox with wrapped toys is a blast. Even more fun is trying to wrap a shoebox.
You could also send cards of encouragement to some kids at Make A Child Smile!

There you have it..and that's just the beginning. Some require resources, some just sharing what you have. But all of them involve giving something of yourself. That, my friends really is priceless and uber-cool!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


every letter counts

Please visit www.amnestyusa.org/writeathon in celebration of December 10 - Human Rights Day.

This website will be your starting point for planning a write-a-thon event in your community. We'll send you regular email updates to walk you through organizing, promoting and implementing your write-a-thon and show you how to motivate your friends and family to write letters and promote your local event on AIUSA's Events webpage (optional).

You can also stay up to date by visiting our Write-a-thon blog! Find out what online and offline resources are available to you and how your write-a-thon can help you not only effect change in lives of individuals at risk of human rights violations, but also strengthen your group, meet new friends and have fun!

Confront Human Rights Abuses – Register for the Write-a-thon Now!

Amnesty International 2006 Holiday Card Campaign

Holiday Card Action 2006

Each year during the winter holidays, Amnesty International asks friends and members to send messages of support to prisoners and human rights defenders around the world. Holidays can mean little to those who fear they've been forgotten by the world. A simple greeting card, however, can bring renewed hope. The prisoners and human rights defenders featured here need your support. Please let them know they are not forgotten.

Please visit this link: http://www.amnestyusa.org/action/holiday/index.html

One person featured is Chen Guangcheng. His story-

In 2005, human rights activist Chen Guangcheng heard reports that local authorities in Linyi City in Shandong Province had allegedly forced thousands of women to undergo abortions and sterilizations in an illegal effort to compel them to adhere to China’s restrictive population control policies.

Mr. Chen helped villagers launch a lawsuit against the Linyi authorities. Authorities retaliated by subjecting Mr. Chen to arbitrary detention, beatings and intimidation. In 2006, they charged Chen Guangcheng, who is blind, with “damaging public property and gathering people to block traffic,” and detained him incommunicado. In August 2006, he was convicted following a trial that lasted less than two hours.

Mr. Chen’s lawyers were obstructed at every stage – from collecting evidence to representing him in court. During the trial, police reportedly closed off a 1,000-foot area around the court, preventing supporters from approaching. Three of Chen’s brothers were allowed inside, but police prevented his wife from leaving her home. Even his lawyers were denied access. The court sentenced him to four years and three months in prison.

AI considers Chen Guangcheng to be a prisoner of conscience whom authorities have jailed in a politically motivated attempt to prevent him from pursuing his legitimate activities as a human rights defender. Cards of support will help demonstrate to Mr. Chen (and his jailers) the solidarity of caring people from around the world.

Please send cards of support to:
Chen Guangcheng
Yinan County Detention Center
Linyi City
Shandong Province 276300

Friday, December 01, 2006

World aids day 2006 commercial

Don't turn your back....