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Sunday, February 25, 2007

No more pierogis!!!

On Saturday Dave & I went with mom to the annual "pierogi making day" for the Soroptomists to lend some help. We made 85 dozen pierogis by hand!! The proceeds go to a scholarship which will be awarded in March. It was for a great cause but after 7 or 8 hours of doing this..I don't want to see a potato for a long time.
Today we were both so exhausted we didn't even go to church. It's 3pm now and I'm just waking up, while Dave is snoring so loud on the couch I can hear him in the kitchen. We just finished watching Midnight Express, one of my favorite movies. Damn I cried this time too.
I am ready to admit now that I'm back to work full time I have to relearn getting everything done. I haven't had time to do anything. This past week we had company Monday, a Fat Tuesday event at church on Tuesday, Ash Wednesday service and Pierogi day on Saturday..here I sit with my house in a shambles, no homework done and no blogging.
However, I must say this is the first time in YEARS I have been thrilled with my job. I love the job and the people I work with. I finally have my dream job. I do hope eventually to be more invovled with people. Right now I basically do the checks for a child care funding program and don't see any clients. I do get to do a site visit soon, so that should be pretty cool.
I co-chaired a meeting this past week and was horrible at it. Nobody ever listens to me for some reason. The chair told me I was open and inviting, which was very nice, but I tried to redirect the conversation twice and people just kept talking. Maybe I need to work on getting a deeper voice or something.
Through work I have to take some enrichment classes..I sense a repeat of Public Speaking coming up in my very near future. I think I am an good idea person who works well with an assertive person helping me!
As an example I have a great idea for a speaker from a group which I am passioniate about, that would fit my Outreach position perfectly. The hard part..which totally chokes me up is going to the two other churches I'd like to co-sponsor the event. Cringe.......... I guess I am a progress in work after all. Okay most of us are :)
Well I'm off to calendar my bills for the month...maybe I will actually use my dayplanner now.
Cross your fingers we don't get hit too hard with snow in New Jersey.

Comments on "No more pierogis!!!"


Blogger Matthew May said ... (8:29 AM) : 

That's awesome, I love home-made food and pasta.. always tastes better! And for a good cause as well. :)

Keep up the great work Andrea! :)


Blogger andrea said ... (7:21 AM) : 

I totally agree. By the way Matt how do you do it..work full time (guessing) and keep up such a good blog?


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