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Saturday, February 10, 2007

Thank you mommy

My mom gave me some old pics to scan a while back. We had some scanner issues, but I did buy a new one last night and these I just had to post. The first is mom and me outside Ron Jon's surf shop. My parent's raced enduros and owned a cycle shop across from the surf shop when I was little (yes they also surfed). It reminds me of a wonderful time in my life...ah so simple.

This is a picture of my Great Grandmom Soltess holding me. The first in a long line of Mary Catherine's. It's funny because my Great Grandmom, Grandmom, Aunt and a cousin (she's Mary Louise) all were Mary Catherine's. Mom decided to name my sister and I Andrea and Dannielle because she wanted us to have different names and apparently picked them from a movie she saw with French names. I really can't imagine myself as a Mary Catherine. Andrea is who I am! I do love this picture though because I think it's the only one I have of her.

This is where I find the beauty in technology. The fact that I can scan an old snapshot and save it my laptop, even print a reproduction all from the comfort of my kitchen table is soooo cool!
The scanner I got was on clearance too. Wahoo Staples. And check this out-there is a slide holder in the lid. I actually was able to scan negatives and upload a color copy of the photo. How awesome is that.

As a side note, if you need a portable hard drive, Staples has an awesome one I also grabbed last night. Its a 120GB WD Passport; it is the size of a video ipod and was only $99. The best part is that it doesn't have to be partitioned or anything. Its totally plug and play and comes with Google software that lets you search your files! Does that rock or what. I think the sale is over today though; 150 regular price. I also checked it against Zip Zoom Fly, Tiger Direct and New Egg that always have the best prices so it really is a good deal.

Today I have a couple of projects to finish. First I have to finish editing 50 or so photos that I scanned from my church directory so my pastor can upload them on our site. After that I have to do the same to the rest of the pics mom gave me. I also have to work on a mock survey for my next meeting at the community group I'm meeting with on the 22nd of February. Then its:

Back up my laptop onto the new hard drive;
We have major gbs of music that we've collected (bye bye jewel cases) and have offered to let someone listen to, so that has to be done;
Find a site that lists causes by month so I can outline a plan for my Outreach group;
Do at least one chapter in my Tort Law book;
Clean the house (I forgot how little time there is working full time and going to meetings at night lol);
If possible since I'm off Monday redesign the blog so it has 2 colums and TOP TABS!

Whew...oh and minus out game night tonight at my Aunt's, Date dinner with my hubby afterwards and Sunday from 11-2 or 3pm for Church and of course the diner after :) I'm hoping to get a lot done Monday.

I can tell you right now most of that probably won't get done but that's okay too because it is a three day weekend and because in my new 9-5 Monday through Friday life I get to do all of this stuff with my family. Isn't that what it's all about anyway? Now that is not just cool but UBER COOL.

Peace out and spread a little love around if you can.

Comments on "Thank you mommy"


Blogger Matthew May said ... (9:29 PM) : 

Great pics and memories! I had a bike just like that when I was a kid. Looks just like it actually :)


Blogger andrea said ... (1:19 PM) : 

Isn't that funny?!


Blogger Matthew May said ... (9:40 AM) : 

Hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day! :)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:01 PM) : 

The picture on the motorcycle is great. And the rest of the photos are good too, I know it means a lot to you to get these pictures.


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