I Blog for Human rights

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Location: New Jersey, United States

trying to be part of the solution

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Monday, February 27, 2006

i have a headache

i suddenly cannot stand my blog's look....yuck yuck yuck...have been searching my tookus off for a new template.

i found an incredibly awesome resourse..but as usual cannot decide. as an fyi i am providing a link here for pannasmontata-templates.net. awesome work..with this site as well as some of her links some of the best stuff i've seen around. i will be rehabbing that section of links..it needs it badly.

here's my dilemma..i like the 3 column layout..but don't like my colors. I would love tabs at the top or a much neater way to view all of my links...maybe a link to an external mirror page using a host i've already got? it is just way to busy and i am finding it distracting. i'm leaning towards a white background as well..

what this means is that over the next few days you may see the template change a few times :) while i make a choice.

on a personal note...dave and i got A LOT done in the house this weekend. i ripped apart the kitchen (6 hours or so), the back yard looks great..thanks to dave and we attacked the livingroom.

today's project is our bedroom....i have too many stinking clothes. its donation time. i am in a place mentally where less is better and have decided to pare down everything...we just have too much crap. i could not eat for a week or two and still will not fit into the jeans i am saving. i think i am destined to be fat and should just give up on the size 8's...i am 37 and this weight thing just keeps getting harder. the 10's i am holding out hope for....so close! and honey i do appreciate the "its just water weight" but i am not buying it. that's is my good husband speaking. on the plus side i really am the happiest i have ever been and everything in my life is going wonderfull. so i guess it evens out...and as long as dave keeps calling me a hottie i should be happy.

now if he could just stop killing fish we'd be fine...ammonia poisoning is not a good way to go hon and you are never getting a bird!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Help Make Slavery History!


Contrary to popular belief, slavery didn’t end with Abraham Lincoln in 1863. Experts estimate that today there are 27 million people enslaved around the world. It’s happening in countries on all six inhabited continents. And yes, that includes the United States. The CIA estimates 14,500 to 17,000 victims are trafficked into the “Land of the Free” every year.

Why hasn’t more been done to end a dehumanizing, universally condemned practice? One challenge is that slavery today takes on myriad, subtler forms than it did during the Atlantic Slave Trade — including sex trafficking, debt bondage, forced domestic or agricultural labor, and chattel slavery — making it tougher to identify and eradicate.


Slavery today is defined as forced labor without pay under threat of violence.
600,000 to 800,000 people are trafficked internationally every year. Approximately 80% of them are women and children.

Slavery was officially abolished worldwide at the 1927 Slavery Convention, yet it continues to thrive thanks to the complicity of some governments and the ignorance of much of the world.

In the 2000 Refugee Report, “Trafficking in Women and Children: A Contemporary Manifestation of Slavery,” former secretary of state Madeleine Albright calls human trafficking “the fastest growing criminal enterprise in the world.”

Slavery is an extremely profitable, international industry. Experts estimate trafficking in the US yields $9 billion every year.

Around the world, trafficking in women for commercial sex purposes nets $6 billion per year.

The trade of human flesh is so lucrative that authorities complain that even as they close in on one smuggling ring in the US, another one pops up.


Biographical Sketch: Micheline Slattery

Geography: Massachusetts

Micheline Slattery was born to a prominent political family in Jacmel, Haiti, but after being orphaned at age five, she was sent to live with her aunt and uncle in a town nearby. As often occurs among rural families in Haiti, Micheline was forced to work as her extended family’s servant — or restavec, as a child slave is commonly known there.

Beginning from the time she was five, Micheline was expected to clean the house, wash and fold the laundry, walk for miles to collect water. If she failed to complete all her chores, for nine years she was whipped and beaten by her relatives; she still bears a scar on her left cheek from the time her cousin struck her across the face with a butcher knife. "I used to think that I was bad, that this was the life that God chose for me," she says.

At fourteen, Micheline was trafficked to Connecticut to serve as her cousin’s slave there — performing domestic chores and taking care of her three children. Her cousin permitted her to attend school — but never anywhere else — and at home, she was still a slave; she never received compensation for her work and, when Micheline took a part-time job, her cousin confiscated her wages. It took several years before Micheline was finally able to leave and resettle in Massachusetts, where she works as a nurse.

Micheline began speaking out last May. She has testified before the Massachusetts State Assembly, spoken at the International Women’s Day reception in Massachusetts alongside Dr. Swanee Hunt, former US Ambassador to Austria, and been featured by New England Cable News, the Boston Metro, and The Hartford Courant.

“It's not something I will ever feel free and comfortable talking about, but I do it because I think it will make a difference,”

Micheline says. “I want people to understand that it’s happening. If they need to see a face, see mine.”


& please dont forget to click today:

The Hunger Site The Breast Cancer Site The Child Health Site The Literacy Site

The Rain Forest Site and The Animal Rescue Site

Don't forget they have an email reminder service, which allows you to click ALL the sites within about 1 minutes time...aw come on we all have a minute to spare :)

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

I wear this shirt proudly..get yours!

come on..the peace lover in you needs to shout it out!!!


What I'm working on...
As I said before, my neighbor wanted me to turn my beading to making lanyards. We both work at places that require employees to have ID on at all times, and our lanyards are boring. Dawn said a co-worker of hers told her to get me to make some and they would buy them. Well this is my first one. I wore it yesterday to work to try out the weight (its obviously heavier than a cloth one) and got the same reaction where I work. I have decided to buckle down and come up with design ideas. This could be a lot of fun and a good side job. I probably won't be selling on ebay again, because I ended up sucking up a lot of costs when my last listed items didn't sell. I think I'll wait till they run a seller special.
I also need to bone up on how to do a raffle. I'm going to register for a fundraiser for the South Jersey Food Bank, and they suggested a raffle was a great way to get more people interested. My friend (different one) Dawn and I are working on it together. We have things to raffle, but I don't know if i should just do a brochure of the items we are auctioning and pass it around with the form or have the items at my desk for people to look at.
I'm also talking to my congregation about it, which is harder yet becuase its from a podium up front...how the heck do I present the items there? Mom is a Soroptomist and they do a lot of fundraising, so she has graciously offerered to lend me a hand with the project planning.
Three cool things happened yesterday...
I've lost my first 10 lbs..900 more to go LOL
I talked to Butterworth! He's so awesome...HAHA told ya I'd mention you!
I talked to Fergie...someone I was great friends with about 20 years ago...still has the same goofy grin...(Fergie your site left me speechless!) haha
You may have noticed that I have stopped posting on the Cryptogram and Useless Fact board..nobody was reading it...I'm still doing the daily cryptogram so if there is an iota of interest from anyone I will resume them...let me know.
Lastly, my laptop is headed for hell.....I have a dirty sector and will have to wipe it out...screen of blue death has been more frequent and we keep having to use a boot disc..so this has also contributed to less blogging. Ok Dave, you were right and yes we will be wiping it out this weekend...
Don't forget to go to THE HUNGER SITE daily and click to help the hungry!
Have a great day!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Aren't they sweet?

First the brag photo!!!
I love being an aunt...before I posted the artsy fartsy photo I had to post my new favorite kids' photo. This group shot took a lot of work LOL..aaah look at them sitting together and being nice to each other!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

what a week this has been!

First the Georgia thing..then Dave & I had find out if we were going to be parents. Well we are not. I have mixed feelings, but know it was not meant to be. I think what happened with Georgia upset me so much it affected my body. The day after we took her back I felt like a truck had run over me emotionally..so I'm not surprised it took its toll on me.

The lack of blogging is due to being incredibly busy. I have started on my jewelry making again this week..heavens knows why. My neighbor told me that if I were to make beaded lanyards, she had co-workers who would gladly buy them. I guess thats good enough reason. Since going part time I am 200% emotionally healthier, but financially it's been a strain. Extra income from the jewelry would help. Also, I am trying to raise money for a local food bank and they suggested raffling off prizes to get donations. I thought I could make some nifty stuff to pique some interest. I'm also toying with the idea of framing a few prints as well.

There really just isn't enough time in the day. All this needs to get done as well as the normal household chore stuff, which has been left by the wayside lately. Dave and I weren't able to do anything while Georgia was here..this following my cold..so the house needs to be cleaned badly.
I have to come up with a better daily structure..today!

X your fingers I do not fall short of my own expectations today!

Friday, February 10, 2006


heavens, originally uploaded by andrealeev.

This is in honor of a local 31 year old volunteer fireman. He perished in his home after making sure his fiance and father escaped a fire in his house.

THIS links to the story...i cried this morning for you Mr. Marbet. You are a true hero.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

The Hunger Site

19,979 pounds of food purchased today by sponsors....please add your click to the total!
Click HERE and you will be redirected :)

"On Giving"...Kahlil Gibran

On GivingThen said a rich man, "Speak to us of Giving."

And he answered:

You give but little when you give of your possessions.

It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.

For what are your possessions but things you keep and guard for fear you may need them tomorrow?

And tomorrow, what shall tomorrow bring to the overprudent dog burying bones in the trackless sand as he follows the pilgrims to the holy city?

And what is fear of need but need itself?

Is not dread of thirst when your well is full, thirst that is unquenchable?

There are those who give little of the much which they have - and they give it for recognition and their hidden desire makes their gifts unwholesome.

And there are those who have little and give it all.

These are the believers in life and the bounty of life, and their coffer is never empty.

There are those who give with joy, and that joy is their reward.

And there are those who give with pain, and that pain is their baptism.

And there are those who give and know not pain in giving, nor do they seek joy, nor give with mindfulness of virtue;

They give as in yonder valley the myrtle breathes its fragrance into space.

Through the hands of such as these God speaks, and from behind their eyes He smiles upon the earth.

It is well to give when asked, but it is better to give unasked, through understanding;

And to the open-handed the search for one who shall receive is joy greater than giving
And is there aught you would withhold?

All you have shall some day be given;

Therefore give now, that the season of giving may be yours and not your inheritors'.

You often say, "I would give, but only to the deserving."

The trees in your orchard say not so, nor the flocks in your pasture.

They give that they may live, for to withhold is to perish.

Surely he who is worthy to receive his days and his nights is worthy of all else from you.

And he who has deserved to drink from the ocean of life deserves to fill his cup from your little stream.

And what desert greater shall there be than that which lies in the courage and the confidence, nay the charity, of receiving?

And who are you that men should rend their bosom and unveil their pride, that you may see their worth naked and their pride unabashed?

See first that you yourself deserve to be a giver, and an instrument of giving.

For in truth it is life that gives unto life - while you, who deem yourself a giver, are but a witness.

And you receivers - and you are all receivers - assume no weight of gratitude, lest you lay a yoke upon yourself and upon him who gives.

Rather rise together with the giver on his gifts as on wings;

For to be overmindful of your debt, is to doubt his generosity who has the free-hearted earth for mother, and God for father.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

campanula still life..photo of the day

campanula still life, originally uploaded by andrealeev.

Alas, I have decided to scrap the photo of the day redirect.

Sad Day For Dave & I

It is with a very heavy heart that I am blogging today. Unfortunately, Georgia wouldn't let up on Da Vinci and we were not able to keep her. We had an extremely tough decision to make. After 2 full days of crying (I look like I have pink eye in both eyes), we took Georgia back to the orphanage.

Problem we had were: She wouldn't stop jumping on Da Vinci; mini dog fights ALL DAY, She wouldn't stop nipping us, went at a guest of ours and was causing a strain on our entire household. Dave & I were even arguing constantly, because of the tension in the house. I can't risk my marriage for a dog.

I went with Dave last night and we both lost it. We did make a large donation on her behalf and my employer will match it. We have also decided to sponsor her on an ongoing basis. Thank God, it is a no kill sanctuary and we have both prayed she will find a good home that can handle her. We both agreed that if we didn't have Da Vinci, things probably would have been a lot different. They just didn't like each other. He was actually hiding behind Dave & I cowering and ducking in her crate to get away from her. I may end up volunteering at the Orphanage where she is. I thought it would be more difficult for me, but the staff told me it may actually be good for me because I would still be able to visit her and work with her in the yard to help her get adopted.

The night before we made the dicision, I prayed before I went to sleep that Dave & I would be able to know what to do and also have the strength to follow through.

I know that doing the right thing is usually not easy, but I know we did the right thing. Isn't that typical of life in general? Just doing the easy thing is, well easier, but if we are to live a life doing what we believe in, we are going to be met with constant challenges. This is where my faith comes into play. Andrew told us last week, in his sermon, that there was never a promise living life the right way was going to be easy.... I guess this experience has shown Dave & I that. I am thankful for the lesson, and know, that if we made it through this, we are stronger people..and I am glad for that.

Friday, February 03, 2006

I am soooo tired

Georgia is on her 3rd timeout in the bedroom today. She keeps picking on Da Vinci. I don't want to crate her, so the bedroom seemed the only option. Hopefully, if she gets a timeout every time she nips him or does the "T-Stand" thing over him, she will learn not to do it. Saying no seems to mean nothing. The morning walk left me with an arm that still hurts. She will be getting a harness leash today as well as a spray bottle. Pray for us! LOL.

Was thinking of signing up as a Big Sister, but that will now have to wait until she is trained. She needs all of our attention right now. Its so hard being alone here today, because I have to make sure there is equal petting, etc. The weekend will be much better with Dave home to help. I'm not yet over my cold so I am really tired and now sore.

She was great getting into her crate for bed, thank goodness. We are reinforcing that behavior with positive praise and lots of "good girl"s. She does seem to respond to "no bite" pretty well. I am reading up on collie training as much as I can. I want to work with her inherant traits and learn what makes her tick.

Have to try to squeeze in a shower and cleaning...while she is in the bedroom!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

She's here!!!

This is our new girl...finally home!
Georgia O'Keefe
This has been a very long day! We got up super early, after I was up sick last night, went to Vorhees (the staff at the Animal Orphanage rocks!) for the doggie meet (of course Da Vinci threw up in my truck on the way there), had to get Georgia in a crate in the back of the truck, drop Da Vinci off at home, take her to the groomers (stinky poo), stop at PetSmart for a bowl & stuff for her and finally get back home where we are having to keep her from jumping all over him and ticking him off... They are both presently passed out on the sofa.
Thank God! We didn't think she'd ever slow down, whew...I am bruised and tired & am not looking forward to de-puking my truck and getting Georgia to get in the crate for bedtime. We can't leave them both out yet unwatched. She still keeps nipping at him and being a tad bit to fresh. However, I am sure once she starts her Beginner classes at PetSmart, she will learn how to behave. Apparently, whoever gave her up did some time ago, so she lost all her socialization skills. The woman who surrendered her didn't "have time for her", so we have our work cut out for us..we believe she's well worth it!
Doggie diaries to continue....

The Big Day is Here!

After Dave & I get all the crap out of the back of my Element, the crate goes in along with Da Vinci and we are off to the doggie meet. I so hope they like each other! Then its right to our vet where she will get a bath. Tonight we go back for her first check-up. Lets pray no kennel cough! We did that before with Da Vinci. He has had a shot for kennel cough already, so even if she does have it he should be okay.

This morning I shot a bunch of B&W photos. I love the nakedness of B&W. It seems so raw and honest somehow. Still getting used to the new camera. I love it more every time I use it.

Check out the Photo of the Day!

We will surely be posting some new pics of the kids today! Stay tuned...

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Tifa adoption page is linked HERE

For everyone at Dave's site;

Here is Tifa's adoption page...she's coming home with us tomorrow!!!!

YES..more changes

I am trying an experiment...If it does not sit well, I will undo it. I wanted a clean way to showcase my photographs as well as an easy way to view past photos. There is a new link right next to my photo entitled "Photo of the Day". This opens a pure photoblog. If it is a pain in the arse...please let me know and it will go poof!

Okay, now how incredible is this? I have talked about the Hunger Site button located on this page. Well, so far look at the amazing stats for THIS MONTH:

Clicks: 3,842,629; Avg # of Sponsors: 10.0; Cups of Food: 4,342,170; Metric Tons: 246.2 Pounds: 542,771

The animal site has collected 30,616 bowls of food just TODAY so far;

The breast cancer site has funded 143.4 mammograms in January '06 so far;

The rain forest site has saved 651.7 acres in January 'o6 so far;

The child health site has helped 42,571 kids (2.3 million clicks!) paying for 36,781 kids to get Vitamin A for disease and blindness prevention, 5,279 infants received emergency oral rehydration, 468.3 HIV/AIDSZ maternal test kits purchased and 42.6 kids received eye surgery or prosthesis in JANUARY '06 alone;

The literacy site has purchased 23,148 books in January '06!

I implore you to sign up at the site for a daily email reminder. YOU DO MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

Its so uplifting to see a positive effect come from an individuals' actions. If you feel like there is nothing "you" can do, this is proof that you are wrong. I click daily on all of the sites and it takes less than a minute....we all have a minute a day to help.

Thank you :)