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Wednesday, July 27, 2005

its that hot outside

i didnt have time to water yesterday. alas i open the slider to the backyard today and feel like an abusive parent.

how pathetic! i wait months for something to bloom and this is what i do...aaarrrgghh.

well i did get some great pics today. i cannot say how thrilling it is for me to constantly find new things blooming. nothing 2 days ago, now i have so many new things going on in the backyard. now if only there were no bugs, i be out there a lot more.

every fencepost as well as my back porchlight has spider webs on them. do they do this to torture me? thank god im engaged to a wonderful man who is hell with the papertowel killing! the one on my porchlight is a thinker. i hate those the most. i opened the slider, he looked at me and jumped back under the light. this means his death will have to be carefully planned. you see if i ask dave to merely kill him, he'll just knock the web off. mr thinker spider will hide under the light and with absolute malice, return the following day. worse yet build a web right across the door, so i walk into it, or god forbid come in the house. he is a thinker! this means he can plot. will probably get me back by attacking me like the bunny rabbit in monty python.. i just know it. someone help me LOL.

i guess i have to call the bug man again. i called him in may because those nasty jumpy black bastards were nesting in my mailbox. you know the one that turn towards you when you go to kill them? he said they are a cousin of the wolf spider and the "eyes" are fake to trick their prey. I guess i am prey. sprayed the whole perimeter. forgot to call within my 60 day warranty and now my backyard is off limits to me.

it must be funny to anyone watching. now that i have long hair i have to put it up when i take pics, so it doesnt fall in front of the lens. well, if a stray hair touches me i think its a bug and freak out, thus the bun habit.

funny part is, any spider thats not black and hairy doesnt bother me. only ones that resemble mini tarrantulas. green ones, ok, white ones, ok. any mini hairs and im toast. i had night terrors till the age of 24 about my ceiling being covered with them. they fall off the ceiling onto me. this actually caused me to jump out of bed, in my sleep and rip the covers or my shirt off and check my back on occasion in the bathroom mirror, all sleeping!

second on the nasty list by the way would be cicades. nasties are everywhere waiting to land on my head. the noise they make is a constant reminder of them. next runner up is locusts that intentionally aim for you, oh god and waterbugs eeeeyuck. i guess im skipping breakfast today.

i need therapy.

have a nice insect free day.....

dont touch dave!

you can view my 1st short movie at www.andrealee.com
hope you enjoy it :)

Sunday, July 17, 2005

sooo pretty

couldnt wait to post these! everyone will blog tomorrow after a good nights sleep :)

Thursday, July 14, 2005

ha ha i am winning

for at least this round! see what is missing from the top picture :) x 1000000000000000

i hate beatles!

japanese beatles stink!!!! i have to post a pict of a flower i took yesterday and today. amazing what those little buggers can do in 24 hours. my beatle bag works amazingly well, totally full in 1 week, but dave & i removed it yesterday in anticipation of the rain, which will ruin the lure. everything is covered again. i really try not to use any chemicals, esp with my herbs so the bag is perfect for the beatles. unfortunately, mealy bugs love my basil. someone on the web said soak a qtip in rubbing alcohol and stick it in the dirt. now if it wouldnt keep raining on the qtip i'd be ok. so i had to break down and spray some ortho on my roses. it was funny because the minute i sprayed the mealy bugs started jumping like crazy! had to switch to jet stream because they we bouncing all over towards me. i guess im going to end up using the fruit and veggie wash after all. ive decided that, somehow, bugs know i abhor them, so they gravitate towards me!

i am determined to win this beatle war! i have waited close to 2 weeks for my stargazer lilys to bloom. well this morning i was so excited, because 4 bloomed this morning, pink and white. what do i see on my white one????? you guessed it. sprayed his butt!!!! they will not eat my stargazer if i can help it. i am the sentinal...and will remain on guard :)

i am working 2:30 - 10:30 today and will try to do what i can for the weekend before work today. actually i want to work on my pics till i shower at 1pm, so it may just not get done till tomorrow....i really am pathetic ha ha. i dont even have to pack lunch with a freezerful of lean pockets! hmm bag of salad, lean pocket, ah convenience....

hope everyone has a teriffic day!

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

fingers crossed...

i am so crossing my fingers that this storm isn't as bad as they are predicting. so far yahoo is saying the rain will start today and continue through tuesday. will certainly make the weekend interesting.. hmmmm plans for the amusement park may get squished. oh well.

i made scones for dave this morning and they were pretty good. see i have to cook for him to keep him interested. most guys need high heels, he needs scones. LOL

if this rain starts i am going to be incredibly busy at work tonite, which i dont like. i dont like my job when its slow.. yesterday while i was handling supervisor calls i disassembled, cleaned, reassembled and filled a jelly belly dispenser. i have learened how to multitask. as long the empathetic comments and the "i see" and "uh huh" are inserted at appropriate intervals, the facade of listening and better yet, caring, can be maintained. i am going to hell some day :)

lord, see what this job has done to me! well i have absolutely nothing productive or meaningful to say, so...

everyone have a wonderful day!


bloomed this morning! im crossing my fingers the storm doesnt hurt it! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, July 09, 2005

rainy day Posted by Picasa

happy saturday

well i have about 5 mins before its off to get ready for work. i so want to go back to bed! last night i worked till 11pm and today i am working my very least favorite shift, 10-7. it is so busy right now at work!, and to say people are a bit grumpy is an understatement! MAJOR MOTIVATION to get out of this job :)

just finished cooking lunch, chkn breast in lime taquila sauce. trying the all protein thing again. must resist carbs.... its harder when im at work getting yelled at because my first instinct is to eat when i get stressed. i actually lose weight when im not at work for a couple of days..fancy that.

im sidetracked here laughing inside at a customer last nite to informed me that there is a difference between a cell phone and a fire alarm. damn i'll bet a tree and an airplaine are different as well. and this would explain why taping my cell phone to my townhouse doesn't deter burglars. lol. the joys of customer service. can't wait to see what my memorable customer will say to me today...

well if time allows i will post another pic today. took some good rain pics yesterday.

i must take my leave now and ask that you keep the floridians in your thoughts today.


Wednesday, July 06, 2005

isnt she beautiful?! Posted by Picasa

from the ashes the feeble phoenix rises lol

back in the saddle again..hopefully on a regular basis. been forced overtime lately. this is, unfortunately the busiest time of year at work. contract only allows 15 hours of forced overtime per week. luckily summer help has averted this tragedy thus far. i remember, two summer ago i was living at work. at least 70 hours a week. great paycheck, no time to spend it either... then this guy came along. ha ha. now i leave early whenever able. aah the price we pay for love (literally). but the joy i derive from vacuuming and signing for packages makes it all worth it :) insert sarcasm.

dave is off to golf with dad and be regaled today! birthday celebration for mr man. davinci & i wrapped his gifts the minute his butt was out the door. not giving him a chance to even think about peeking.

well im having ftp difficulties right now, driving me mad! im really trying to get my web page in order as well as cross referencing to art.com where some of my pics are listed. this can be sooo stressfull. yeesh. i have to remind myself its better than answering the phone :) its all about putting it in perspective.

well a wonderfull day to all! have fun and eat a piece of cake for me!