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Wednesday, May 31, 2006

If I can stand the heat..

I should have some wonderful lily pics to post today! I am definately not a heat person. I got six more plants in the other day and oh lord..I had water running off the end of my nose. On the good side I have only Ivy and Perriwinkle to plant in the front (have a bald side) and 3 lilies to put out back. I was going to add them out front with the tiger lily and stargazers, but decided to do a 3 season section out back instead.

The first hollyhocks have started to bloom out front! I swear they must have feet because some of them aren't where I remember them last year. Same goes for the hastas..hmmm.

The lettuce and spinach are going to be tough in the heat..skip one day of watering (which I do late in the day) and they look soooo sad. Even the oregano was droopy yesterday. My pepper and tomato plants have their first little flowers as well. I can't wait for them! Salsa baby!

I broke down and got a cheesy little gnome for my garden. I think its so cute. I used to love the commercials for the travel agent with the gnome traveling the world.
Kitsch rocks!

I spent all day yesterday..all day trying to get my new sister site up. It isn't done yet but will be at Working4Peace.

Here is the premise: My two passions (besides my family) are photography and working towards the greater good. I am hoping this is the vehicle to marry the two of them. I plan of offering my photos at a CafePress store and donating a minimum of 50% of the net profits. I'm still working on the layout and will try to incorporate a choice of charities to be selected by the shopper. I had forgotten how annoying problems with HTML could be :) Had the perfect page with colors I loved and somewhere (which I course I couldn't relocate) changed some text so it was the same color as the background. So I reverted back to a different Template and am busy tweaking that. I gave up last night and will be revisiting my demon code shortly.

I have always wanted to do more and really, really hope this is the way to accomplish that goal.

Oddly enough, this stems not only from my family being very active in volunteer work, but from the fact that I've been in no less then five situations where I should have really bitten the bullet. From this I've concluded, albeit possibly totally wrong, that I have some purpose in life..something to fulfill. Hey, even if I'm wrong I'm doing something good, so its a win win situation no matter how your look at it.

Cross your fingers for me as I walk down the HTML path this afternoon :)

Comments on "If I can stand the heat.."


Blogger Mighty Dyckerson said ... (8:52 PM) : 

Baby, you've got a nice set of hollyhocks, if you know what I'm saying...


Blogger Matthew May said ... (11:01 AM) : 

Gnomes are awesome for gardens! :) They bring good luck, and even if you don't believe that.. they at least make you smile! :)


Blogger andrea said ... (7:41 AM) : 

hmm don't really get the hollyhock comment...

matt, i love this little guy! do you know if they repel aphids? lol.
organic gardening pitfalls...rinse, rinse, rinse...watch them little buggers go down the drain!


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