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Monday, May 29, 2006

I must stop

Cryptograms.org - online and printable cryptograms.

This is where I was yesterday..I think I proceeded to solve about 90 cryptograms. My obsessive self had to not only solve the puzzles, but beat the posted average time!

I have also decided to pick back up the task of learning French..pray for me. I just want to understand the Piaf songs I like to listen to :)

This past week someone decided to park on my blog and argue with me about a previous post. This went on for a couple of days, but has finally stopped. He/She was one of those people looking to argue..not my cup of tea.

The whole purpose of my blog to is to present ways in which, if interested, people can be involved in something or learn about things I might think they'd want to know about. My core belief is that the world would be a much better place if we'd all work towards a more peaceful coexistence and care about our fellow man. That has been its goal since the beginning. Any time I cite a fact I try to provide a link to the source, and in some cases a redirect to the site I want people to know about. Basically, I just want to get the word out about some great causes.

I do not, nor will I ever make up facts for my blog.

I believe we are all free to express our opinions. I will never knowingly offend any person or group. If someone disagrees with me, that is their right. I also expect the same privelage. I base my doings and my life on the concept of peace and will continue to do so. I am not here to argue with anyone.

Nuff Said :)

Well, we are off to picnic today. I hope whatever it is you are doing for the holiday you have a safe journey and good times.

Comments on "I must stop"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:32 PM) : 

LOL... was just checking my google analytics and saw a hit from this site.... Thanks for the link to cryptograms.org! I just launched it a little over a week ago, I'm amazed people are already finding it.

Anyway, thanks!


Blogger andrea said ... (8:34 AM) : 

you are the one to blame! lol I am so addicted! I love when I try to cheat and am told "we have faith in you, no more clues" priceless!

keep up the awesome site!


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