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Wednesday, July 19, 2006

I am so proud of myself!

A couple of days ago I posted that it was time for me to work on....ME!

Well, here we are a week later and I have actually been sticking to getting healthier.

I joined a site where I can track my diet, exercise and body info and my goals. I provides charts of my progress as well as all of my nutritional info for the day as well as telling me how much I will weigh in 30 and 60 days if I keep up what I'm doing now.

And yes, this is due to my 20 year reunion coming in October. I was a dancer back then and refuse to be the "Look how fat she has gotten" person!

Changes I've made:

A minimun 1 mile per day on the treadmill (today I did 1.3 miles -my new # to beat :)
Drinking tons of water
Watching everything (I mean everything) I eat. I actually have to log it..oh boy.
Cut my caloric intake way, way back, until I have retrained my body to eat good food and only when I'm hungry.

I've read that, much like Pavlov's dogs we actually become conditioned to eat at certain times as well as certain amounts. By doing a very low calorie diet for a while, I'm conditioning myself to eat when I'm practically starving instead of when I think I should. It feels great really, however the growling stomach was a bit embarassing in church this past Sunday.

We go to the diner after every week, and I actually resisted this week. Full glass of water before the meal (all meals) and had tomato vegi soup and a salad with the dressing on the side...YAY. One meal at a time..lol. Eating out is the hardest!

As a fun thing I've also started tanning. It's supposed to help the psoriasis (which is almost gone) and I'm so tired of being the palest person on the planet. I'm not going for leather just some healthy color.

I'm also considering dying my hair today, which I haven't done in about 15 years. Usually I do the lemon juice or sun-in in the summer, but this year its been way too hot out. I also noticed a ton of gray hairs in my bangs! When I went for the bangs I didn't realize how many of my highlights had dissappeared. I actually like the dark blonde...until I started noticing the gray. Sadly, that means its probably all over my head hiding in the blonde. It's a rite of passage that was coming. I am 37 and that's about right for this reality check lol. I've become obsessed with the tweezers and my hair...put them down and walk away!

My fear of hair color is actually of the upkeep. I am very lazy when it comes to doing the girly crap that takes up time. I have too much other stuff to do to worry about nails and roots..blah blah. For the benefit of my husband though :) I will.

Speaking of which..he has earned major brownie points this week.

First, flowers for no reason! His response "I do have a reason...I love you" AWWW!
Second, he is an awesome exterminator. He removed a cicade from our yard (they are on my yuck list next to tarantulas) and is a great cobweb and tomato horn worm remover.

Life is good!

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