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Tuesday, March 15, 2005

mean squirrels teasing my doggie

Today starts with the squirrel torturing da vinci.

i put his new bed by the back door so he could be in the kitchen with me and not have to lay his precious little hiney on the cold floor. Well, the squirrel keeps coming in the yard where he can see it through the sliders. i have to keep the door slightly ajar, so it doesn't get ripped out of the frame. i don't think he will ever catch the little guy, but its so funny to watch him try. Sometimes, when there is nothing in the back yard, we say "get the squirrel" just to watch da vinci go nuts. ha ha. i think that's why we adopted him...i wonder if when he's dreaming (you know the sleep growl and twitching paws) he's chasing the squirrel.

Today is so nice! now if it were only about 20 degrees warmer, i'd be in heaven. i can dream. it'll be here soon enough anyway. my internal gardener is itching to get started.
i have redone my index page and the links page so far. i really like the new look. the next project is to redo the photo gallery page. i'm working on a large mouseover for that one. it doesn't look too hard. now i think that's what i said about photoshop. ha ha. you'd think with the books we bought i'd have it licked by now, but it's proving to be more challenging than i thought. my goal is to replace one page a day minimum. stupid things like work and making phone calls keep interrupting.

never did start my new book last night. i got sucked into my new quote puzzles.i forgot how much fun they were. it was sooo slow. really tempting to go home early, but can't do that everyday. besides, it was fun talking to janet, who sits in the cubicle next to me.

tonite, i already know i will probably be monitored on my calls, so i have to pay attention to our stupid script, instead of just talking to the customers like people. god forbid i don't say their name 2x's in every call and confirm the reach number 2's. i don't think the customers like hearing it any more than i like saying it.

oh here's a good one. this weenie calls last nite and is on my phone for like 15 minutes, making me check stupid things on his account. he is doing this so he can "prove his point" to his vendor. keep in mind i am supposed to be on each call for about 4 minutes max. now he also has me on speaker phone, which i can't stand. usually i talk really low so the person has to pick up (lol). so we are at the end of the call and i have to ask if there is anything else i can help him with (this is after hitting mute and saying "get the hell off my phone ding dong,(say no say no say no!)" he says oh yes there is..groan...wants his account reviewed and "analyzed" to see if he can get a better plan...puleese get off my phone..so we do this...now up to 18 minutes...which i will hear about today...didn't make the "numbers" (ok im pretending to be really really concerned)..he closes the call by saying, and i quote, "well, you've earned your paycheck tonite." i felt like saying, "thank you for that affirmation! now i know why my life has felt so meaningless up to this point!" or...."no, i earn my paycheck by talking to dumb people like you all night!"
whatever, we had a good laugh over that one when he hung up..feeling smug i am sure.

Today leaves me looking forward to the weekend..i am going to be off Fri, Sat & Sun! We get 1 unpaid day for working christmas. it has to be used by april, so i figured this friday was as good a day as any. i actually have so many papers to go through. shredder is really going to get a good workout.

have a wonderful day...and watch out for squirrels!

Comments on "mean squirrels teasing my doggie"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:57 AM) : 

I will try to leave a comment again (this usually does not "take" on Dave's ite) Hint, hint.... Dave, change it please. Also, while you are at it, why do you have to register - I think it is annoying.
Love your site Andrea and your photos are wonderful, Spring and Winter are my favorites. I too love being home on rainy days - very cozy.
Also wanted to give you both a shopping tip (I have a brown belt in shopping0 NEVER go to any discount place on a weekend unless you go early in the morning or at dinnertime. (WalMart, Bj's,Costco, etc.)especially never ever on a beautiful Sunday afternoon after some dismal winter weather.


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