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Wednesday, March 02, 2005


Hmm…what to bother readers (are there any?) with today.

I find myself distracted today, with the desire to stay home and clean. I start work at 2:30 and am thinking of everything I could get done if I just had the day off. In the back of my mind knowing the whole time I wouldn’t get most of it done. It’s always like that. The brain and the body seem to be on different wavelengths.

I have a lot of improvements I want to make to my web site, but our wireless is down, and I don’t really feel like going upstairs. The new router should be here today via Fedex, so it will have to wait until tomorrow. I tried working on it at work last night, but it was so busy! Boy did I take a spanking on the phones! I can’t understand why people are so hostile in general. There is a lot of anger in the world. Kind of sad. In keeping with my “glass is half full” school of thought, I will use it as motivation to get the heck out of this job before 2008. I will have to hold myself to listing a few pieces of jewelry on ebay tomorrow. Maybe if I start to sell a few pieces, it will be the push I need. I tend to pick up new pastimes, push myself to become really good at them, and then get bored. This is a trait I have to rid myself of. Totally unproductive, and causing me to go to work today J My ultimate goal is to work from home by my target year. Sad as it is, when I was home sick for two weeks, I was so happy.

Fortunately, for all involved, I am not going to go off on some long tangent today. The inspiration is just not there. (Darn it! I forgot to do a load of laundry, so I will also look bad at work today. Oops…) In order to spare everyone from my essays, about absolutely nothing, I am toying with the idea of an anonymous blog for my writing. I find it very therapeutic, but don’t want to bother people I know LOL. I do that well enough already, thank you J Just ask Dave.

Hope everyone has a delightful day. I will be much more upbeat tomorrow, as I have the day off! That always makes me smile.

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