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Wednesday, April 12, 2006

My Djinn is causing havoc!

Not only did I get a lemon, but its bruised!

Now, according to folklore, everyone has a Djinn (or Jiin/Jin) who can be good or bad. It's supposed to be like a genie (the modern derivative) who coexists with our worldy self. Why, for Pete's sake, can't mine be in a better mood!

Last week I was already a bit down because a very close family member has run amok of the law and will suffer the consequences. This has had me in a funk because it is someone I care very deeply for. For several weeks now I have been trying to muster up the courage to make the obligatory phone call regarding the situation...hasn't happened yet.

Then a very close friend got very upset with me because of situation I unwittingly created by trying to mirror the main character in the fable about the father, son and donkey crossing the bridge and listening to everyone else. He ended up miserable and I ended up spending the night crying. Several days have passed since this transpired and I am still very heavy hearted about the whole incident.

Last night Dave and I were on our way out and several fire engines and police cars flew by the house and proceded to pull up in front of my granmother's house, which is about a block away, but within eyesight. Thank goodness it was a small brush fire in an empty lot behind her house..but the seconds it took to run to her house seemed endless!

Lastly we add to the mix a lovely bout of insomnia that has lasted for several weeks now. Every morning I am up somewhere between 3:30 and 4:30 am and cannot fall back asleep for at least an hour..this with a prescription sleep aid. Do you have any idea how hard it is to find something to do that is utterly without noise at that time of day? I am so tired of doing cryptograms to fall back asleep.

Damn you Djinn! Behave or I'm trading you for someone elses!

Now I am off to make some Pfeffernuese, Ricotta Easter Pie and Zuchinni Bread for a bake sale tomorrow at work. I am off tomorrow, but will drop it off anyway in the morning. I'll admit this is only because I work about 7 miles away from home :)

Tonight we have a short service at church following by choir practice..I sound like someone is squeezing an angry cat! I can only pray someone drowns me out..it would be for the good of mankind.

I beg anyone who is reading this to cross their fingers that the rest of the week turns out better. Tomorrow I hope to either plant my beds or finish tiling the downstairs bath. At the rate I am going I will probably get bitten by something in the yard or drop something on my foot.

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